Symptoms of pregnancy

Pregnancy is the term for the process and succession of changes that a developing fetus brings about in a woman's organs and tissues. From fertilization to birth, the entire process usually lasts between 266 and 270 days, or about nine months.

Could you be pregnant? Take a pregnancy test. However, you may suspect or hope that you are pregnant even before you get your period. Learn about the causes of early pregnancy symptoms and indicators. The most typical early signs and symptoms of pregnancy are:

  • Missed period

If you have missed a period for a week or more, and are of childbearing age, you could be pregnant. However, if you have an irregular menstrual cycle, this symptom can be misleading.

  • Pliable and enlarged breasts

Your breasts may become tender and painful in early pregnancy due to hormonal changes. The discomfort should disappear in a few weeks as the body adapts to the hormonal changes.

  • Nausea, with or without vomiting

Between one and two months after becoming pregnant, morning sickness usually begins and can occur at any time of the day or night. However, some women experience nausea earlier than others, and some do not experience it at all. Although the exact reason for morning sickness during pregnancy is unknown, it is likely that pregnancy hormones play a role.

  • Increased urination

You may urinate more frequently than usual since during pregnancy, the body produces more blood, which causes the kidneys to process more fluid, which accumulates in the bladder.

  • Tiredness

One of the most prominent symptoms of early pregnancy is fatigue. Exactly who or what makes a pregnant woman sleepy in the first trimester is unknown. However, the sharp rise in progesterone levels in early pregnancy may be a factor in fatigue.

Are you really pregnant?

Many of these symptoms and indicators are not specific to pregnancy, as some may indicate the beginning of your period or that you are ill. Likewise, you can be pregnant without showing many of these signs.

Take a home pregnancy test or visit your health care provider if you detect any of the above symptoms after you miss a period. Schedule a visit with your health care provider if your home pregnancy test results are positive. In addition, you can begin prenatal care as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed.

Start taking a daily prenatal vitamin if you are pregnant or have recently found out. Iron and folic acid are two essential vitamins and minerals present in prenatal vitamins that contribute to fetal growth and development.